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native app support! (via subsonic api)

beta new feature


hello tubers
i’ve been working on something kewl
inter.tube now supports the Subsonic API, which lets you use a lot of slick native clients
some clients have cool stuff like downloading songs for offline play
(warning: this is still in beta, some stuff isn’t implemented yet)

how to use

server url: https://inter.tube
⚠️ make sure you use HTTPS or you’ll leak your password on open wifi networks etc
username: your email address
password: same as web interface

working clients

i’ve tested the following:

  • play:Sub (iOS), works best
  • SubSonic (iOS), no issues
  • iSub (iOS), works
  • UltraSonic (Android), works (enable the ‘new cover art loader’ option if you have funky cover art behavior)
  • DSub (Android), mostly works
  • Clementine (PC), mostly working, some jank
  • Jamstash (Browser), works


  • this is probably broken for huge libraries 🆕 should be fast & working now
  • search
  • sorting by recent, new, etc
  • starring (favoriting)
  • proper pagination
  • playlists
  • bookmarks
  • chat

podcasts support may come later…




Edited by Tiko at 2021-02-21 02:40:302021-02-21 02:40
bird on skateboard

added support for big libraries, should work for everyone now~

still got some other stuff to tackle but gettin’ close

bird on skateboard

doing some testing on android
works best with Ultrasonic, turn on ‘new image loader’ or something in the settings or cover art gets fucked up
and “browse by id3 tag” or something instead of folders, but both work
working towards greater compatibility
up next is starring songs and playlists

bird on skateboard

whoops i broke playback but it should be working now 😅

bird on skateboard

added playlist support and starring
fixed a lot of little things
it’s working with most (all?) apps now
DSub is fixed

almost done….

Edited by Tiko at 2021-02-21 02:28:492021-02-21 02:28
bird on skateboard

Nice thanks

Still using from the browser but I’ll get some ultrasonic testing in on my next commute I think

game on gamer

i did some tweaking on the ID values so if you see duplicate albums or tracks then try resetting the app (delete caches, reinstall etc)

bird on skateboard

i’m almost done with subsonic stuff, after that i’ll work on getting the browser to feature parity
i use the browser ver mostly too

bird on skateboard

pretty much done with all the important stuff, it’s very usable now
there’s a few minor features like chat and bookmarks that are unimplemented

bird on skateboard
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